Reunited after Fraser Island

Raman has returned from Fraser Island with stories of ship wrecks, white beaches, perched lakes, rain forest and new found riding challenges including sand.

White highways

White highways


Perched Lakes on a sandy island

Perched Lakes on a sandy island


A small example of Raman's crash course in sand riding

A small example of Raman’s crash course in sand riding

The crash without the course :P No harm done!

Putting the crash into the course 😛
No harm done!


Challenging stuff but all is well.

Challenging stuff but all is well.




Lost dreams

Lost dreams

A touch of rain forest

A touch of rain forest


Was that only two days!

Was that only two days!


Raman has joined me on “The Beach” at the Millington estate. He has the remnants of the same sickness I got. We are both in high spirits but its taking a while to kick this one.

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