Winding up into the hills, less and less on a beaten trail.
Climbing out of the plains up to Kroombit Tops saw the grassy plains grazing country give way to thick dry sclerophyll and in places a little rainforest. The riding was great except for patches of buttery red clay.

Gold crusher hidden in the mountains. What a heavy machine to bring all the way out here in the days of horse and cart
A World War II bomber crashed up here in 45. It’s whereabouts were not know until the 90’s. Walking amongst the wreckage, I felt a sickening shiver run through me. Shreds of the plane little the forest floor for over 100m. Radio com gear, sections of wing, oxygen bottles, engines, propellers, hydraulics and on and on. Parts littered everywhere.
I shudder at the though of the impact.
Leaving the bomber site, we a particularly fun climb back to the main track. Lots of cut-off drains and challenging terrain.
The Kroombit Tops lookout yields a fantastic view east. With dusk falling, we will camp here.
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