We packed up or things and said our goodbyes after several days with Rick and Nanette. Thanks for all your hospitality guys; we’ve had a great time.
So we head off down the road only to find Raman’s new chain is making a funny noise. He installed it yesterday. Turns out, after much roadside fiddling that the counter sprocket is too worn and is sort of flicking the chain making a noise.
Hmmm, it Saturday….afternoon.
Rick and Nanette were heading out to check on some of the bees but the road was blocked by a huge diesel truck that had spilt 27,000 litres of diesel everywhere. We saw them in Eaton and explained what was going on. So it looks like we will have to wait until Monday to get a new counter sprocket.
Back we went to to Rick and Nanette’s.

Another ripper camp oven dinner. Feeling a little deja vu? We were 🙂 and yes its the same picture. Luckily hanging out with Rick and Nanette was lots of fun as life had us scheduled for a few more days of it.
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