MacKillop Bridge to Bombala

Day 10: May 16th

Again we have avoided the rain. It’s dry county here!


Headed back along the MacKillop bridge road to see a few spots I didn’t have the time to stop and see last night.

Day 10-10

A winding little track carved into the side of the mountain, The MacKillop Bridge Road


Day 10-11


Day 10-12

Little River Falls



Day 10-13

Little River Gorge Lookout 800m asl


Day 10-14



Met back up with the others at the bridge and got rolling for the day.

Day 9-10

Riding east on little minding roads we climb up through white box and calitrus onto perched grazing county.

a landscape reminiscent of those described by Bill Gammage in The Biggest Estate on Earth as that of aboriginal fire management

a landscape reminiscent of those described by Bill Gammage in The Biggest Estate on Earth as that of aboriginal fire management

I feel as though I am beginning to settle into the trip. I am reading he landscape a little more.

Day 10-16

from a time when wool was worth much more

Earlier in the day, the road had offered another bit of wildlife and it was in good condition.

We opted to stay in town and put the provided BBQ to good use cooking up the find.
Having a good nose for meat from my extensive hunting background is very handy.

Day 10-17

Vince and Raman playing cards after a great dinner. Trying to keep warm in the chilly conditions. Helped along by lots of cloths and a wee dram of whiskey

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