The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia
The wide open spaces of central Australia

2011 – Lake Eyre

This 2011 trip took Tim Burns, Liz Wade and I to the Flinders Ranges and Lake Eyre over 5 weeks and covered 5500km. I Rode Maswon with the original MK1 Sunken luggage system while Tim and Liz travelled in Tim’s troopy that he ran on vegie oil almost exclusively.