This 2011 trip took Tim Burns, Liz Wade and I to the Flinders Ranges and Lake Eyre over 5 weeks and covered 5500km. I Rode Maswon with the original MK1 Sunken luggage system while Tim and Liz travelled in Tim’s troopy that he ran on vegie oil almost exclusively.
- Sunken Miles: An unexpected end October 30, 2013
- Atherton Tablelands October 22, 2013
- Cairns October 21, 2013
- Ayton Beach to Mossman October 15, 2013
- Cooktown to Ayton beach October 15, 2013
- Sunken Miles: An unexpected end October 30, 2013
- Rolling into Dargo May 20, 2013
- Getting Rob’ed July 25, 2013
- Atherton Tablelands October 22, 2013
- Escaping the Lyons Den (with the Lyon) September 1, 2013
warren field: i went to princess charlette bay in 2015 nov and ...
Danilo: Terrific job composing Sunken Miles: An unexpected...
Oliver Holmgren: James, Thankyou for your input. Very interesting i...
James White: The dead trees in the first photo are in the coast...
Oliver Holmgren: Great to have your input. An air filter should get...