A big day today and one I will aways remember fortunately and unfortunately!
Got up early. The first hour and a half were the best riding of the day. The light was behind us and low angle. A little track leading through the hills and eventually dropping down into the valley. Some images that I never quite found the spot to get (too many trees) but I have them in my mind.

Fuelling up at Collinsville for a long haul to Charter’s Towers. The Liquid Containment 12L fuel bladders pictured with 7L each. My fuel economy is quite bad after the carb “tune” in Brisbane. Under the same riding conditions and taking it just as easy as I have in the past I am now getting about 5.8L/100km up from 4.1L/100km.

Raman stopped before crossing this causeway. It is as slippery as ice. I went down as soon as I hit it. The bike slid only a little way as I had slowed up to about 20km/h.

A little scar on the right side box from the grind. This isn’t the bad part of the day! In fact I was fine.

Here we are out in the middle of no where (on a route suggested by Rob of course) and there is a familiar sticker on the sign.

Lunch under date palms

I didn’t realise this was still happening. Scrub clearing chain pulled behind a dozer or two. Yes that chain is huge! Possibly the biggest I have ever seen
Today was a long day. Over 400km of dirt. There were places with really bad bull dust!
So you are thinking, “you’ve got to camp without anything untoward happening, what was the bad part of today?”
I noticed my bike was idling a little low when we stopped to camp just on dusk. This was the first sign for me of an emerging iceberg! Raman then mentioned he had seen a little puff of smoke from the exhaust late in the avo when I took off. Oh!
I went to sleep with these little, and yet damning, bits of information running around in my head. Maybe it is running really rich from a clogged air filter…I’ll have a look in the morning.
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