With parts on order in Cairns we have a few days to wait. We decided to head south toward Cairns. Having stayed the night with Mark( Donnie’s mate) after finishing the CREB , we wandered our way down the Bloomfield track, which is like a dirt highway after the CREB. All this jungle is here for a reason, because its wet, very wet. It started raining as we approached Cape Tribulation.
The Cape seemed like a nice enough spot so we found a camp site. I recall vivid stories of my fathers recounting his trip up the east coast as a youngster, hitch hiking around Australia. Those stories drew me to stay here at Cape Tribulation.
I recall one story of coconuts. I too wanted to drink from a coconut at Cape Tribulation. Raman climbed a very tall tree and got us our first nut.
The following day I ran into a girl we met in Eungella, Sara. She was as excited as we were about getting more coconuts and she took a few photos which really capture the experience.
Thanks for sharing this time with us Sara.
We got over 30 coconuts. There were plenty to share with our neighbours at our camp.
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